MEIDAM – House of Dermatology

Why Exhibit

The 9th International Congress of Medical Excellence in Dermatology & Aesthetic Medicine combines one of the region’s prominent exhibitions with an innovative and exciting conference, featuring leading subject matter experts from around the world.

Exhibiting at MEIDAM presents multiple benefits to your company, including a comprehensive platform for targeted promotion and brand exposure where leading members of the dermatology medicine field interact to encourage networking & educational opportunities and develop its future.

Showcase your products to leading experts and professionals from both corporate and governmental departments as well as allied health specialists practicing in this area of medicine.

In addition, become a sponsor for the perfect opportunity to explore the market and interact to build lasting relationships with current and prospective clients at all levels and segments – corporate and government departments. Enhance your brand position and increase your exposure driving real value.

Stand out from the crowd and take advantage of these value-added opportunities!

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